Socioeconomic Status

Socioeconomic Status Abroad

Your socioeconomic status may be a key factor in your decision to study abroad, but there are opportunities for everyone.

The concept of socioeconomic status may change considerably depending on where you decide to study abroad. Students may consider themselves low to middle class but find that they are in a more elite class abroad in their host community since they are able to afford an experience abroad. Your new status will depend on how your host community perceives you relative to the standard in their community and how you view yourself in regards to this standard as well. Some people you meet may not understand your financial hardships or your struggle to finance your studies. Because of this, it is important to be aware of your status domestically as well as abroad so that you are prepared to address these misconceptions.

Questions to Consider

  1. Which socioeconomic status do I think I belong to?
  2. What is the socioeconomic status of the majority of people in my host country?
  3. How will I present myself during my study abroad?
  4. How will I respond to questions about my status?
  5. What resources are available to me in regards of financing study abroad?


  1. Talk to students who have studied abroad in the region you are planning to go to about this matter.
  2. Reach out to advisors and your program directors about concerns.
  3. Talk to the financial aid and scholarship office to discuss your options on financing study abroad.

On-Campus Resources

Financial Aid Office 


General Resources

NAFSA – Financial Aid

More Scholarships