Emergency Contacts

For life-threatening emergencies, contact 911 if you are off campus or University of Alabama Police Department at 205-348-5454 if you are on campus.

Immigration Emergencies

Lost, Damaged, or Stolen Immigration Documents:

If you experience an immigration-related emergency, such as:

  • Visit by government officer at home or on campus
  • Detainment at U.S. Port of Entry such as an airport or land crossing
  • Threat of deportation

Do not sign anything. Politely ask if you can call UA International Student & Scholar Services or your home country’s consulate in the U.S.

Call ISSS at 205-348-5402 during normal office hours (Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m.– 4:45 p.m. Central Standard Time).

If outside of regular office hours, call the UAPD at 205-348-5454 and their dispatcher will connect you with an ISSS staff member.

Other Emergencies

In case of an emergency such as:

  • Car accident
  • Criminal activity
  • Missing persons
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Sexual assault and misconduct
  • Violence
  • Other incidents

If you are on-campus, contact the University of Alabama Police Department at 205-348-5454.

If you are off-campus, call 911.

Campus Resources

ISSS is here to help you, but you may want to take advantage of these resources on campus for other issues such as:


Counseling Center 205-348-3863

Housing and Residential Communities 205-348-6676 housing@ua.edu

Student Health 205-348-6262 Patient Portal

Women and Gender Resource Center 205-348-5040

Title IX Office 205-348-5496

Student Care and Well-Being 205-348-2461

Employee Assistance Program 205-759-7890 or 866-840-0750