International Scholarships with Advisors in the Capstone International Center
The Capstone International Center offers advising on the U.S. government prestigious international scholarships listed below. Students are encouraged to meet with an advisor before beginning the application process on these awards. Information sessions are held throughout the year for interested students at all levels of their academic experience. Read through the awards to learn which are available for undergraduates and graduates and what the application timelines are. Reach out to a UA advisor today and find out how to be a competitive applicant.

Gilman Scholarship
For Pell Grant eligible students who are interested in studying, interning or researching abroad. Contact the Education Abroad office ( to attend a Gilman workshop, where they will assist with your application and essay.
Gilman Scholarship Page

Other Opportunities for Study Abroad Funding

The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ (ECA) USA Study Abroad branch recently launched Languages.State.Gov, a one-stop resource for information on language scholarships and training programs offered by the federal government. The site brings together in one spot information on domestic and overseas language programs funded by the Departments of State, Defense, and Education, as well as the National Security Agency, and offers an interactive quiz that Americans can take to find the language program that fits their personal and professional goals.

Tuition and stipend for travel/living/study expenses for an academic year of advanced language study in East and Southeast Asia for graduating seniors, college graduates, graduate students, and working professionals.

German Academic Exchange Service.
Opportunities for research and study in Germany. Short-Term Research Grants, Research Stays, and German Studies Research Grants for undergraduates, graduate students, faculty and young professionals. Application due dates vary by grant type.