International Homepage

Intensive English Program

ELI Friends of Fulbright Students being welcomed at the airport

Apply Now

Apply to study intensive English from three weeks to ten months.

ELI Study Center

Calendar and Costs

There are six sessions per year starting in January, March, May, June, August, and October.

ELI Six Flags


See the activities for the current session.

Other Programs

ELI students attending a learning English through popular TV shows seminar

International Teaching Assistant Program

See registration, testing, and course dates.

ELI Reading and Writing Class

Pathway to UA

Study English and begin your degree in either August or January.

ELI Class

Academic Support Courses

See the undergraduate and graduate courses offered by the ELI.

ELI students during a trip to New Orleans

Customized Group Programs

Short-term (2-6 week) programs with custom classes and trips.

Learn English to Succeed

Improve your English and experience US life and culture on a beautiful university campus.

  • Professional teachers with master’s degrees
  • Organized activities to meet university students from the US
  • Low cost of living
  • Over 200 degree programs offered at The University of Alabama
  • Located in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, one of the top 50 college towns
ELI student from Turkey sitting outside B.B. Comer Hall

Former ELI Student

“Before coming to the US, I never thought I would meet such wonderful people. The ELI faculty and office staff were a major source of satisfaction for me, and they helped me overcome the difficulties of learning English.”
Yudum T., Turkey