Permanent Residents in Tuscaloosa
- December 16th, 2020
- in English Language Institute International Main
ELI student Abduljabar from Yemen
The English Language Institute serves not only students on student visas but also international permanent residents of Tuscaloosa.
Abdulwanab Fadhel, 35, has just completed the ELI program. He escaped the war in Yemen in 2016 and came to Tuscaloosa two years later. Abdulwanab established a store here and is improving his English to better conduct business and to pursue a master’s degree in law.
Abduljabar Saleh, 18, also left Yemen because of the war. At the age of 13, he went to Jordan and then graduated from high school in Turkey. In the fall of 2020, he joined his father, a businessman in Tuscaloosa, and began his studies at the ELI. Abduljabar hopes to earn a degree in international business law and improve the conditions in Yemen.
Abdulwanab summed up the ELI experience by saying, “Y’all made a change in us that could never be forgotten.”