International Research Awards for Faculty

There are two basic types of grants for faculty. Scholar: Opportunities range from a few months to a full year and many awards offer flexible durations. Specialist: Two six-week, project based exchanges for faculty in host institutions across the globe.


The U.S. Congress created the Fulbright Program in 1946, immediately after World War II, to foster mutual understanding among nations through educational and cultural exchanges. Senator J. William Fulbright, sponsor of the legislation, saw it as a step toward building an alternative to armed conflict. He envisioned an educational and cultural exchange program that would connect people and encourage them to learn about each other’s cultures and values.

Today the Fulbright Scholar Program provides U.S. academics a variety of unique opportunities to teach and conduct research abroad. Awards can vary from short-term (2-6 weeks) to a full academic year. The Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) administers the program on behalf of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Learn more about the Fulbright Scholar program on the CIES website and the Fulbright Specialist program on the World Learning website.

Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program provides awards through an annual competition to more than 800 U.S. scholars and professionals to lecture and/or conduct research at institutions in more than 125 countries in a wide variety of academic disciplines.  Program duration ranges from a semester to an academic year.

Programs are available in Teaching, Research or Teaching/Research.
Application deadline is generally early to mid-September, but the program competition opens in February and we suggest you get started sooner rather than later.

Applicants must submit the following:
– Application Form (online)
– Project Statement (3-5 pages total)
– Tailor Curriculum Vitae or Resume
– Course syllabi or Select bibliography
– Three Reference Letters
– Language Proficiency Evaluation
– Letter of Invitation from overseas contact
– Supplemental Materials

You can find the application timeline for U.S. citizens and more information about the review and selection process on the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program website.

For help preparing and submitting your Fulbright application, see the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program Application Instructions on the Fulbright website.

Applications for the third cycle of Fulbright Global Challenges Teaching Awards, offered by AAC&U and the UK Fulbright Commission are due on March 10, 2025. This year the awards focus on the global challenges of climate action; disinformation and misinformation; health inequality; and peace and justice.

Applicants can find out more details about the program on the UK Fulbright website here, and learn more about applying by watching the Faculty Instructors and Instructional Designers webinar. There will also be two application office hours sessions on February 11 and 132025. Register here:

Fulbright Specialist Program

The Fulbright Specialist Program sends U.S. scholars and professionals overseas for a period of two to six weeks to collaborate with professional counterparts at institutions of higher education on curriculum and faculty development, institutional assessment and planning, and related activities.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Visit the Fulbright Specialist Program page for more details and click here for an easy to read guide to the program.


For more information about Fulbright opportunities for faculty, please contact Dr. Teresa Wise, Associate Provost for International Education and Global Outreach at