Frequently Asked Questions
Students at the English Language Institute can live in on-campus housing (traditional dorms). In most traditional dorms, you will have a roommate. To request on-campus housing, contact Vicky Wyatt at
We strongly recommend that you complete the housing application before you arrive, although you may still live in on-campus housing if you do not apply before arriving at UA.
Off-campus housing is available. The ELI does not provide services to find accommodations. However, you can find more information on Off-Campus Housing.
The cost for on-campus housing depends on your dorm assignment and is paid along with your tuition payment. The estimated cost is $1,500 per ELI session. You will have to complete a housing application and pay a $35 non-refundable fee. To request on-campus housing, contact Vicky Wyatt at
If you choose to live off-campus, most apartments will require you to sign a lease and full payment of rent by check or money order before or on the due date of each month. You may be charged a late payment if you do not pay on time. Some apartments will take credit card payments.
All students have a University of Alabama address. Students can see their address by going to myBama and clicking on the “Student Tab.” Scroll to the bottom left of the screen. Look for Ferguson Mail Center and click on MSC (Mail Stop Code) Number. You will see how to write your university address. At this address you may receive packages, but not any other mail like letters or postcards.
There is a branch of the U.S. Postal Service located in the Ferguson Student Center on campus. For more detailed information, go to the website: Receiving Mail Packages.
In addition to the funds you bring with you for your required expenses, we suggest that you have access to at least $300 more to cover the cost of one or two nights in a hotel (approximately $100 USD per night) and other personal items that you may need.
You should plan to bring pillow and pillowcase, blanket, sheets for a twin (single) bed, soap and shampoo, towels and washcloths with you or buy them in Tuscaloosa after you arrive. You will have an opportunity to go shopping for these items during the check-in process.
Tuscaloosa has a warm, temperate climate. The list below shows average temperature ranges in Celsius:
Summer (June-August): 20° – 38°
Fall (September-November): 10° – 30°
Winter (December-February): 0° – 20°
Spring (March-May): 5° – 27°
Cool, lightweight clothing is needed for summer, although when you are inside you may need a sweater because almost all buildings use air-conditioning. Sweaters and jackets are occasionally needed in the fall and spring, and a heavy coat will be necessary in the winter. Student clothing is casual; it is common for both men and women to wear blue jeans to class.
You may choose to prepare some or all of your own meals. If you live on campus, your access to kitchen facilities depends on your housing assignment. Rooms contain at least a small refrigerator and microwave oven if there isn’t a full kitchen. A supermarket is located near campus (walking distance) and UA offers weekly shuttle service to a local shopping center.
We currently do not have homestay families at this time.
You may choose to purchase a meal plan or simply pay for your meals on a daily basis. Campus meal plans are available to purchase during registration. For more information about meal plans and Bama Dining, visit the Bama Dining website.</av