Future Study Abroad Students!

Visit us in 144 B.B. Comer Hall during Bama Bound and receive a free UA Koozie!

Start your adventure here!

Come to our daily Study Abroad 101 workshop at 2pm:

Want to study abroad but not sure where to get started? In Study Abroad 101 we will discuss a variety of topics including searching for programs on our website, dispelling myths about Education Abroad, and providing an overview of the process & timeline for you to better plan your Education Abroad experience.

Study Abroad 101 is offered every day at 2pm during the fall and spring semesters in 144 BB Comer Hall.

Explore Our Website

We have over 1000 programs in more than 60 different countries! Use the Explore tab and the Program Search to starting looking for the perfect fit.

Meet with your Education Abroad Advisor

After seeing Study Abroad 101, meeting with your study abroad advisor is the next thing to do! We offer specialized advising for all colleges.

Appointments can be made on our website on the Schedule an Appointment tab. Your Education Abroad advisor is there to help you find the right program, and assist you in the study abroad process.