Propose a Faculty-Led Program
Thank you for your interest in leading a UA international program!
This proposal process, once successfully completed, will not only enable your program to be approved, but will also serve as a tool in the on-going management of your program. Please complete the following procedural items:
General Process Timeline
Approval Procedure
- Read the Guide to Faculty Led Study Abroad Programs.
- Answer all questions on the Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program Request for Approval Form
- Obtain signatures, academic endorsements from Director, Department Chair, and Dean before submission
- Programs with two faculty proposing from different departments require signatures from both department chairs.
- If Honors designation, a signature is required by the Honors College and the faculty member’s home department.
- Complete a draft budget using the excel template files. The following are budget templates for 2 faculty, 4 faculty, or 6 faculty.
- Email all documents to A complete approval packet includes: completed Study Abroad Request for Approval Form with signatures and a completed Budget (email the excel file)
Note: The Education Abroad Office has modeled the approval process on the recommendations of the Forum on Education Abroad Standards of Good Practice for Short-Term Education Abroad Programs.