Faculty Led Summary

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Faculty-Led Programs Summary Page

Faculty-Led study abroad programs are UA-sponsored programs led by a UA faculty member. Faculty-Led programs are most often short-term summer programs, usually lasting between 3-6 weeks. During that time, students can earn anywhere from 1-12 credit hours of UA courses—not transfer credit! Because Faculty-Led programs are short-term and led by UA faculty, this type of program is great for anyone who has never been abroad before, those looking to earn UA credit, or anyone who’d like to travel with fellow UA students. An additional perk: the tuition for every faculty-led program is charged at the in-state rate no matter your residency status!

If you are a faculty member looking to start a new program – visit the Propose a Faculty-led Program page or and set up an appointment with Dr. Carolina Robinson and/or Samantha Young.

Liya Chen

Faculty-Led Advisor

Students, if you have any questions feel to send me an email or stop by during drop-in hours!

Samantha Young

Assistant Director for
Faculty-Led Programs

Whether you are a faculty director or a student, feel free to make an appointment using the link below!
Book an appointment with Sam!

Faculty-Led Programs by College

Below is a listing for the 2024 – 2025 faculty led programs. Please note, these are “proposed” programs and determination of availability are dependent on approval, faculty availability, and meeting enrollment goals.

*Note: Students can participate on programs that are outside their own college! These programs are sorted by the college in which the faculty director teaches, but that does not mean the program is limited to students in that college. (C&IS students are welcome to participate on A&S programs, Engineering students are welcome to participate in HES programs, etc.)

Program Name Director Term Credit Hour Courses Offered  
UA in Austria: Global Perspectives on Crime & Justice  Yuliya Zabyelina Summer 1  CJ 435, 490
UA in Belize: Tropical Conservation (FULL)  Michael Steinberg May Interim  6 GY 450, NEW 450
UA in Benin: African Studies: Language, Race, Religion, and Culture Maxime Vignon   Summer 2  EN 455, MLC 300 level courses, FR 201, FR 202, FR 300-400 level courses, RL 380/480 
UA in Colombia: Spanish Language & Colombian Culture Alicia Cipria  Summer 1 SP 300-level courses (W)
UA in Colombia: Intermediate Spanish Language & Colombian Culture Kelley Luna  Summer 2 SP 201, SP 202, SP 353
UA in Edinburgh: Dance at the Fringe (FULL) Sarah Barry Summer 2 DNCA 351, DN 655, APR 380
UA in France: American Writers  Christopher Love  Summer 2  EN 210 (HU/L), EN 311, EN 365     
UA in France: Language & Culture April Stevens   Summer 1 FR 201, FR 202, FR 325, FR 331, FR 480 (FL/HU)  
UA in Germany: Language & Culture  Charles Brown Summer 1  GN 100-400 level courses (HU)
UA in Ghana: Service Learning  Seth Appiah-Opoku Summer 1  GY 444, GY 544    
UA in Greece: Working Across Cultures (Corfu) Brandon Thompson   Summer 1 MUSM 500
UA in Greece: Working Across Cultures (Thessaloniki) Pamela Derrick Hawkins   May Interim GS 391
UA in Guatemala: Development and Human Rights Christopher Hale  Summer 2 PSC 331, PSC 332   
UA in Ireland: Geography of Europe (FULL) Mary Pitts  Summer 1 GY 449, BUI 301, NEW 310
UA in Italy: Language & Culture  Alessandra Montalbano  Summer 1  6-7  IT 100-400 level courses (FL/HU)
UA in Morocco: Arabic Language & Culture  Safa Elnaili Summer 1  ARB 101-202, ARB 350, ARB 363 (HU)
UA in New Zealand: Adventure in Literature Nathan Parker  May Interim EN 208 (HU/L), EN 311, BUI 301
UA in Norway: Adventure in Literature Nathan Parker  Summer 2 EN 208 (HU/L), EN 311, BUI 301
UA in Oxford: English, History, and Honors   Tyler Sasser  Summer 2  EN 300-400 level courses, HY 300-level courses, UH 239 (FA)
UA in Spain: Art & Art History  Jason Guynes  May Interim  ARH 151 (FA), ARH 300-level courses (W), ART 200-500 level courses
UA in Spain: Language & Culture Session 1 Bryan Koronkiewicz  Summer 1 SP 300-level courses (W)
UA in Spain: Language & Culture Sessions 1 & 2 Bryan Koronkiewicz  Summer 1 & 2 12  SP 300-400 level courses (W)
UA in Sweden: Political Science and Women’s Studies Utz McKnight Summer 2 WS 300, WS 310, AAST 395, AAST 399, PSC 320, PSC 321
UA in Turkey: Byzantine Istanbul – Bridging Civilizations Yuliya Minets Summer 2 CL 380, HY 305
Program Name Director Term Credit Hour Course Offered   
UA in Asia: Innovation and Entrepreneurship (FULL) Harold Wright May Interim IBA 250, IBA 497, IBA 597 
UA in Australia and New Zealand: International Business Diana Gomez May Interim IBA 250, IBA 351 
UA in Croatia & Italy: Macroeconomics (May) (FULL) Junsoo Lee May Interim EC 111 (SB), EC 309 
UA in Croatia & Italy: Macroeconomics (June) Junsoo Lee Summer 1 EC 309 
UA in Europe: International Business Stan Westjohn May Interim IBA 250, IBA 397, IBA 497 
UA in Europe: International Financial Reporting Thomas Lopez May Interim  AC 497, AC 597 
UA in Europe: Management Information Systems Jeff Lucas May Interim  MIS 497, MIS 597 
UA in Greece: Innovation & Entrepreneurship (FULL) Harold Wright Summer 1 IBA 250, IBA 497, IBA 597 
UA in Ireland: Marketing Dave Mothersbaugh Summer 2 MKT 300
UA in Panama: Freshman Business Access Samantha Young  Spring  GBA 297
UA in Panama: Manderson Global Experiential Learning Isaiah Young  Spring  IBA 550, MKT 539, MKT 543, FI 506, FI 597, MGT 537, MGT 556, AC 548, EC 500, EC 597, GBA 525, CSM 527, CSM 537, ST 532, OM 517
UA in Portugal: European Innovation Academy (FULL) Harold Wright Summer 2 IBA 497, IBA 597 
UA in Vietnam: STEM/CREATE Path to MBA Rob Morgan May Interim IBA 350, IBA 550 
Program Name Director Term Credit Hour Course Offered   
UA in France: C&IS Sara Hartley Summer 1 COM 395, MC 495 
UA in Italy: C&IS Adam Brooks  May Interim  COM 123 (HU), COM 395
UA in South Korea: Advertising & Public Relations – (New for 2025)  Eyun-Jung Ki, Hyoungkoo Khang Summer 1  APR 490 
UA in the Caribbean: Advertising & Public Relations Jameson Hayes Summer 1 APR 426, APR 490 
UA in the United Kingdom: C&IS Gray Lloyd May Interim COM 220 (SB
Program Name Director Term Credit Hour Course Offered   
UA in Ghana: Global Health Thaddeus Ulzen  Summer 2 RHS 432, RHS 523 
Program Name Director Term Credit Hour Course Offered   
COST – Spain Melinda Alsobrook Spring  12  CEE 497, EDU 400
Program Name Director Term Credit Hour Course Offered   
UA in Denmark: Process Dynamics and Controls Heath Turner May Interim CHE 493
UA in Denmark: Unit Operations Lab Shreyas Rao Summer 2 CHE 323 (W)
UA in Europe: Climate & Water Glenn Tootle  May Interim  3-4  CE 270 (N), CE 378, CE 400-500 level courses
UA in Europe: Engineering Glenn Tootle  Summer 1  9-10  CE 270 (N), CE 320, CE 378, CE 400-500 level courses 
UA in Europe: NSF Research Traineeship International Experience Hannah Holcolmb  May Interim  CE 574
Program Name Director Term Credit Hour Course Offered   
UA in Cuba: University Fellows Experience Dana Patton  Spring  UFE 303 
UA Honors in New Zealand: One Really Awesome South Pacific Adventure John Henry Latta  May Interim  UH 205 (UH), UH 230, UH 329
UA in Oxford: English, History, and Honors Tyler Sasser  Summer 2 EN 300-400 level courses, HY 300-level courses, UH 239 (FA)
UA Honors in Vietnam: Global Citizenship and Religion Tara Mock  Summer 2  UH 284, UH 329, UH 401 
Program Name Director Term Credit Hour Course Offered   
UA Fashion Capitals Tour (FULL) Babs Davis Summer 1 CTD 302
UA in Italy: Interior Design Casey Faulkner  Summer 1  CTD 353, CTD 355 
UA in Italy: Food & Wine (FULL) Kimberly Severt  May Interim  HSM 490, HSM 592 
UA in Europe: Globalization of Sport Carla Blakey  May Interim  HSM 490, HSM 592 
Program Name Director Term Credit Hour Course Offered   
UA in Greece: Nursing Healthcare Mission Carrie Henry May Interim  NUR 317 
UA in London: Nursing Healthcare Mission Suzanne Prevost May Interim  NUR 317 
UA in Thailand: Nursing Healthcare Mission Lee Bratcher May Interim  NUR 317, 517 
UA in Zambia: Nursing Healthcare Mission Mercy Mumba May Interim  NUR 317 
Program Name Director Term Credit Hour Course Offered   
UA Social Work: International Placement (Undergraduate) Courtney Thomas Fall & Spring  9-12  SW 443, SW 490 
UA Social Work: International Placement (Graduate) Courtney Thomas Fall & Spring  SW 595