To apply to UA as an Exchange Student, your institution must first nominate you. Please have your exchange advisor at your home institution review the processes on our Exchange Partner page.
For Fall Semester Exchanges, your institution must nominate you by March 1.
For Spring Semester Exchangees, your institution must nominate you by September 1.
Once nominated by the institution, you have approximately 1 month to submit your documents.
- The deadline to apply for Fall Semester Exchanges (Beginning August) is April 1.
- The deadline to apply for Spring Semester Exchanges (Beginning January) is October 1.
- Application Form
- Copy of Transcripts (in English)
- Copy of English Proficiency Scores (if applicable)
- Study Plan/Course Registration Form (See: Course Selection Guidance Section)
- Copy of Main Passport Page
- Proof of Funding
Email Application Document Attachments (please save your files with your name in the file name) to

Exchange Student Class Registration
Step-by-Step Class Registration Instructions (Only Possible After Admission) Study Plan/Course Registration FormThe University of Alabama Academic Catalog
Academic Catalog SiteAll courses that could be offered at The University of Alabama are listed in the Academic Catalog. You can view the Academic Catalog at Note, not every course in the catalog is offered every semester. The catalog is used to determine what courses you might be interested in.
Schedule of Classes
Schedule of Classes LinkThe Office of the Registrar has a instructions page on viewing the Schedule of Classes.
To see courses offered by UA during the semester you intend to study, you can view the Schedule of Classes. This can be done by logging into myBama and going to the Student tab and selecting Class Schedule in the Academic and Student Services channel.
If you do not have a myBama login, you can access the Class Schedule as a Guest or directly access the Class Schedule listings here.
Course Syllabus/Syllabi
New Syllabi Search Page Old Syllabi Search PageThe academic catalog description contains a brief description of the course. For a complete description of the material covered by the course, you will need the syllabus. The new syllabi website can be found at Many older syllabi are archived at If you can not find the syllabus that you are looking for, contact International Student & Scholar Services for help.
Course Equivalencies
Course Equivalencies DatabaseWe recommend that you work with your faculty and advisors at your home institution to review course descriptions and syllabi to determine how UA courses may match to your home institution course. The University of Alabama’s Education Abroad office has established a course equivalencies table for UA students studying abroad.
While this list is meant for UA students going abroad, you can use this course equivalencies table to search your home institution and find equivalent courses that UA has already evaluated.