Distance Learners

Distance Learners Abroad

Distance learners are a small but rapidly growing population at the University of Alabama.  As of Spring 2020, 5,011 students earn their degrees exclusively online.  You are part of a very diverse group, where all 50 states are represented, where degrees ranging from business administration to nursing are being pursued. By studying abroad, you have the opportunity to develop an international perspective in your field, gain a sense of purpose for your future career, and begin to build a global network of professional contacts.

Though there are many benefits to studying abroad, some distance learners may encounter various constraints during this process.  Challenges may include asking your boss for time off, finding caretakers to help out your family while you are gone, and of course, the overall cost of the program itself.  However, did you know that our most popular study abroad option is our short-term faculty-led programs? You will learn side-by-side with other UA students and be taught by a UA professor.  These programs can range from 1-3 weeks, therefore fitting right in to your busy schedule.  If you are looking to go abroad during a longer period, semester and academic year options are available as well.

Before scheduling your next advising appointment, which can be done via phone or Zoom, we encourage you to consider the questions below and utilize the resources available to help you plan for your experience abroad.

Questions to Consider:

  1. How will this study abroad experience fit into my future (personally, academically, or professionally?)
  2. How will I explain this to my family?
  3. If balancing a job in addition to your studies, how will I take off time?
  4. How will I respond to questions about being a distance learner from traditional students?



  1. Start planning as early as you can. The more time you have to explore your opportunities and the process, the less stressful it will be for you and your family. We recommend reaching out to your Education Abroad advisor at least one year prior to your desired study abroad date.


  1. Write down your reasons and goals for studying abroad. This will help you prepare to answer questions from your family and friends who may be unfamiliar with traveling internationally or study abroad. Consider how this experience will benefit you, your academics, and future career.


  1. Reach out to the many on-campus resources that can help you during your preparation for study abroad. Talk to your study abroad advisor, your academic advisor, pre-professional programs, the career center, financial aid, and other distance learners who have already gone abroad. The more perspectives and information you have, the more you will be prepared for your experience abroad.


  1. Finances can be a huge concern for distance learners, so it’s important to plan out your expenses. Create a budget sheet or utilize the unofficial study budget on the Education Abroad website.

General Resources

AIFS Student Guide to Study Abroad & Career Development – A guide from one of our affiliate partners that helps provide a framework to understand the value of study abroad in terms of career development.

Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad– An academic article about employers and their attitudes regarding study abroad.

Harvard Business Review – Read about how you can enhance your overseas experience.

US News – Read about other online students experiences of studying abroad